I’m not a huge fan of jerky but I saw this Mr.Z product and felt I had to compare it against something.
There are a few different brands but I see Jack Links everywhere so they must be pretty popular. I don’t really know how else to introduce these products since I don’t eat jerky so…on to the evaluation!
Jack Links:
These were original flavor although the color was kind of red in color. The smell was really weird to me, something very familiar, yet I couldn’t put my finger on it. Ethan described it as smelling like deviled ham, but that wouldn’t be familiar to me so I don’t know how I would describe it.
I know jerky is supposed to be dry and chewy but these seemed very tough and plasticy. One piece I could not tear with my teeth and felt really neanderthal, so I gave up. Ethan also thought it was tough but liked the flavor and said it was pretty good if you let it sit in your mouth and soften up.
Mr.Z’s product was considerably darker I wonder if it is because this is grass-fed beef. The pieces were smaller, which were easier to pop in my mouth just the way they were without any caveman pulling and tearing. There were smokier than Jack Links and a little peppery. Ethan thought the smoke was too much and the texture was too dry. I felt the opposite, I thought Z’s was much more enjoyable and not plasticy like Jack’s. The flavor was better even with amount of pepper in them, and I hate pepper.
Wrap up:
Another tie here. I really didn’t like Jack Links and at least kind of enjoyed Mr. Z’s with it’s softer texture and smokier flavor. Ethan didn’t find much appealing about Z and then finished the bag of Jack Links so there’s no clear winner.

I’m a huge beef jerky eater – none better than the local stuff, though LOL. Vermont Beef Jerky makes great beef jerky (terriyaki is AWESOME) – I haven’t tried Jack Links or Mr. Z though!
That sort-of-familiar smell happens with lots of brands of beef jerky. It always reminds me of vienna sausages or cheap raw hotdogs.
Update! Found some Mr. Z Peppered beef jerky at a local job lot store yesterday. It was pretty good m- nice beefy flavor, rich fruity cracked pepper smell…and FIERY HOT with the tons of black pepper on it.
Now I’m wondering who this Mr. Z guy is, who buys happily grass-grazing beefers in Brazil and slaughters, slices, and dessicates them for a hungry American market. I picture him as a sort of shady European character who always conceals his eyes and pronounces his last name as “Zed.”
I have made my own jerky from venison and beef and find Jack’s to be very artificial tasting and as you described plastic in texture. I just picked up a bag of Mr. Z’s peppered jerky in a dollar store as a snack and could’t put it down. My friend and I would compete for the best jerky and hand it out to friends while watching football and hockey games and they would judge. I think Mr. Zs is the first store brand that comes even close maybe even better than my friends. Never better than mine though ( : I may go back and buy a few extra bags on my way home.
Phil: Try Simm’s beef jerky if you have an ALDI market near you – that’s their “house brand.” It’s probably the best commercial jerky I’ve ever had.
I buy the 4 oz bag of mr z at a local dollar tree for 1.00$
you can’t beat it.
Jack Links has the best commercials too, in addition to being delicious.
Altough the results of this poll does not show it, Mr.Z is way better than Jack’s very artificial plastic Jerky. I did some research and it is really made of grass-fed beef which gives the product a lot more tenderness, great taste and less fat since it comes from leaner animals. Mr.Z’s Beef Jerky does not only tastes a lot better than the current brands around there, it also costs way less than the competition without compromising the quality of the jerky inside each bag. As well as Phil I may go back to the store and buy more bags for me and my family…my wife and kids love it!!
Jack Links > kind of plastic food and weird smell.
Mr. Z > delicious and taste is like real food, not artificial that the other.
Hi, I work whith factory, and I aprove this produtc (Mr Z), the taste it very real.
Eating Mr Z.
I agree Marcelo!!!
Mr Z have real and original taste…I love it!!
My dad is a teacher and got a few bags of Mr. Zs from a student. I absolutly devoured 2 bags–2nd best jerky I’ve had. Then I was worried because it didnt say USDA certified, but approved by the Brazillian govt. That scared me a little. But after some research, it seems reputable. it sure is tasty though.
Jack Link’s goes through a tenderization process which creates the “gummy jerky” effect. When the atkins diet came out years ago, the meat snack industry predicted a market where women would buy lots of jerky, except at that time jerky was hard to chew. So many manufacturers devised a softer and tender jerky to capture the women buyers.
I’m just now getting ready to write a review of Mr. Z, so I don’t yet know what it’s like.
Pretty good jerky for store brand, and way cheaper than even Walmart’s offerings. Found it at ACO Hardware for $2. I’ll have to check Dollar Tree. Good stuff.
MR Z is by far the best jerky on the market. I eat it all the time. Jack Link is only fair at best.
MR Z is for me.
Why is jerky so expensive?
Okay so the flavor goes to Mr. Z but that is caused by the ingredient Monosodium Glut
However, you should take a look at the ingredients contained in Mr. Z
Mr. Z contains Monosodium Glutamate and Sodium Nitrate which are instant red flags for those who are watching what they eat.
MSG or Mono-Glut is described as “mutagen and reproductive effector”
The following standardized terms are used to identify the sodium content of foods according to a health source.
* Sodium-free and salt-free: less than 5 mg of sodium per serving.
* Low sodium: 140 mg or less per serving.
* Light in sodium: 50% less sodium than the comparison food.
* Very low sodium: 35 mg or less per serving.
Mr. Z has sodium 570mg.
It may be grass fed meat but high in chemicals.
Just a fair warning.
Just had another bag of MR Z and I am a very satisfied customer.
I just love beef jerky and have been eating it for years. MR Z is one of the best I have ever had.
i just bought ten bags of mr z hot and sweet for ten bucks at the dollar tree because it’s the best jerky i ever had.
I don’t know how they can produce beef jerky for a dollar, but I’m stocking up for sure!
Compare 1 dollar per bag versus 6-7 for any other…how?
Well, It’s a 100% brazillian company, so….the dolar convert in like 2,30 reais or so, so you get cheap stuff(but like everybody knows, the more you buy the price will increase till they have some fame in the us) ,and they get more than they would in brazil, since most people there don’t even know what a jerk is.
good beef jerky,
Picked up two bags of Mr. Z while I was in the Dollar Tree tonight. Sure glad I did. Best beef jerky I’ve ever had.
Like someone else said though. A little worried since it was not inspected here in the States. But, I’ve eaten almost a whole bag and haven’t died yet.
MR Z is hard to put down. I eat a 4 oz bag in one hour.
Jack Links is just to expensive, Oberto is just too expensive.
Both taste just okay.
MR Z is by far the best taste at the best value. MR Z is 4 Me.
In my opinion thereis no comparison Mr Z is the best beef jerky currently on the market.
Jack Links is over rated the smell of it gags me !
Check out there web site this beef jerky is awesome ! http://mrzbeefjerky.com/
Jack Links is too expensive and the portions are small..
you want some good jerky????? home made deer jerrky is the way to go.it will make you forget about that store junk
Atkins Diet have helped me a lot to maintain a very good physique. My mom is also on an Atkins Diet. .
Neither. To me,beef jerky is one of the dumbest pieces of crap on earth.
Mr Z forever !!!
the atkins diet is just about the right diet when you want to cut down body fat’.:
Atkins Diet have helped me a lot in getting my healthy weight back “
the internet is always the source of cheap stuffs, you can buy cheap electronics, cheap softwares and other stuffs “;