Walking through the local “bargain” store I spotted Honey Nut Scooters and on the box cover it practically dares you to compare it to Honey Nut Cheerios. The side panel taunts as well:
The people at Malt-O-Meal have set their sites on Honey Nut Cheerios and created a product just to take them down a notch. Not one to back away from a challenge (well, not on this particular day) I made a stop the “real” grocery store and picked up a box of Honey Nut Cheerios to see if this ballsy confidence was for real or just text on the side of the box.
Honey Nut Cheerios are pretty sweet. Not too sweet but you can taste the honey. Ethan described this as “Not awesome, but good”. Unfortunately, we really had a hard time coming up with a lot of adjectives for this, but it is nutty, sweet and complimented by milk.
Scooters do a good job at looking the same as Cheerios. The taste is similar to Cheerios but are a little lacking in the flavor department. Ethan says they taste artificial. I think if they were a little sweeter it would give these little tasteless O’s somethin’-somethin’.
Wrap up: I could ask for my money back but since I’m just so wealthy, I’ll let them keep their $2.75. While the Scooters shouldn’t have to change their name to “Cardboard O’s” or anything, I don’t think they’re quite as good as Cheerios, and Ethan thinks they’re definitely not as good as Cheerios.

I’ve tried neither but the scooters look better, brighter than the cheerios. I’m not a fan of cheerios per se, i’ve had the original but i felt they were nothing to write home about. I prefer frootloops.
I’ve got a bag of Honey Nut Scooters in the cabinet where I decided to get them last week because they’re cheaper than the Cheerios. I was really jonesing for some Honey Nut goodness. The Scooters fell flat. Not nearly as good. From now on I’ll pay the extra for the Cheerios every time.
I’ve actually found Malt-O-Meal cereal to be a tasty, cheaper version of name brand cereal. Most are indestinguishable from their counterparts. Sorry you had a bad experience.
Call me a sucker, but I’ve always found *Brand X* cereals to be depressing. Something about them says “next stop – the trailer park or the projects”. My wife and I are big on the Smart Start strawberry shredded wheat cereal lately.
The Kroger brand honey nut cereal (comes in bags) is very close to Cheerios – I eat it dry on the drive to work. It seems to stay fresh longer but I keep it in a cereal container.
Poor ol’ Malt-O-Meal – always the wallflower at the Cereal Prom.
The Trader Joe’s version is better than Cheerios – you can actually identify nut flecks!
malt o’ meal is better
So i’ve been eating Honey Nut Cheerios all my life and I definitely prefer it more- even if i never ever tasted Scooters. Honey Nut Cheerios UP!
Bloggers are generally under appreciated, many thanks for finding the time to post this.