There’s a new store that opened not too far away that is a second rate wonderland and inspired me to hop back on the blogging horse. I can’t tell you how awesome this place is, aisle after aisle has shelves full of beautiful knock-off products. I had to put stuff back as my arms filled up with products (I didn’t get a cart thinking I wouldn’t find much to buy) and have plenty of excuses to visit again.
We found snack-size candies called Jive that use the same format at Twix so we dusted off the white backdrop, set up the tripod and got to work!
Upon unwrapping this treat, the smell of chocolate was extremely tempting. There’s no turning back once unwrapped. Twix is such a perfect candy bar, the smoothness of the chocolate, richness of the caramel and crisp crunch of the cookie work so well together. Ethan especially liked the flavor of the cookie but like with the textures, the flavors of all three elements compliment each other perfectly. We both agreed the little snack size left us wanting more.
The first thing I noticed was the absence of any chocolatey smell. The textures were okay but the caramel didn’t taste like anything and the cookie seemed to be lacking some flavor. In all, it was just okay but definitely didn’t leave us wanting more.
Wrap up:
Jive is all jive. I had high hopes for it since the cashier was raving about how awesome they were but it to us, there is nothing like the reliable taste and texture of the real deal.

I live in the New England area too. Not to sound creepy, but what’s the new store that opened up? I love bargain buys.
I had a friend who shopped at this store and could not stop laughing over his L’oven Fresh bread.
Hi Samantha,
It’s called Aldi in Milford, MA, I never heard of it before. They’re from Iowa I think.
Ha! How’d I know you were writing about ALDI?
Don’t give up on them because of one lousy product – they’ve got lots of awesome stuff in there too. (I highly recommend their German roast coffees, they’re excellent and a lot cheaper per pound than most other specialty brands.)
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.One I love Twix, especially Twix PB, but just the description alone for Jive just screams SECOND RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And 2, someone please tell me I’m not the only one who checks out blogs at o dark 30. And by that I mean 10:45 at night.
Aldi is great….
We have them all over the place in Michigan. Great review!
Been shopping at Aldi’s for years, and the candy bars just came out in the past year or so. They’re alright for the price.
Stick with Twix! Hey that rhymes!
twix.. ftw!!!
I think the Jive is a very good candy bar. What’s up with someone thinking Aldi’s is from Iowa? They’re actually from Germany!
In my opinion Jive Bars are the perfect candy bar, they have a sophisticated blend of taste and texture. It doesn’t have an over whelming chocolate smell or taste, the biscuit is nice and crisp. The caramel is chewy but not too sweet, it is the perfect adult candy bar. It also has the perfect blend of cocoa liquor and it’s low in fat as well. It definitely is not a little boy’s candy bar.
Aldi has a lot of great products but it also has a lot of horrible ones. You just have to pick and see. Generally baking things like milk, cheese, flour, beans, pasta are good. Then you just have to try. There are things I like, such as their coffee and fish sticks (which are to doughy to call fish sticks but are good anyway) and yogurt, which I like but I know most people would hate.
I love a good old Jive. I have one every night before I go live.
Jive is Jive.
I have an Aldi very literally across the street from my condo. They are very hit-or-miss on their products. Their dark chocolate covered almonds? Awesome. Their spicy pork rinds? Great and 99 cents a bag.
Jive – A package of sadness. You are thinking “Twix”, but it’s like getting that oatmeal / raisin cookie when think it’s chocolate chip.
I used to twix but I now love the jive!! Never turning back…well done guy’s
Sorry I mean twix was lovely but jive is a better texture!! Hubby and i love shopping @ aldi.. jive and never twix guys!!!!
jive is based