I never heard of Vinter’s before. They’re from Chicago and I lived there for a year but never noticed them, although that was in my pre-snack evaluating days. I checked out their website, and they have quite an extensive product list. I don’t know how but they managed to make it to the Dollar Tree in Ashland, MA.
This bag came in a variety pack, withcorn chips and cheese puffs but since “Kurls” is spelled with a K I decided to evaluate them.
Cheetos have a nice tanginess to the cheese flavoring. They also have a very satisfying crunch. It seems a little weird but I liked tasting the oil in each bite and although the oil had a presence, it didn’t make the crunch heacy and they’re not oily to the touch.
These had a little less cheese flavor to them. Well, they had decent flavor but didn’t have that tanginess, which gives Cheetos a little something extra. The crunch was also lacking – but, I will give them a break since these were at the dollar store and not bought anywhere near the Chicagoland area.
Wrap up:
I like to support the little guy and they may not have been given a fair shake this round, but Ethan and I both preferred the Cheetos version because of the strong flavor and delightful crunch and texture.