Ah, French Bread Pizza! Also known in some school cafeterias as “Pizza Boat”. There’s something about French Bread Pizza that seems to be liked by most people (except my mom) and I think Stouffer’s is more popular but I’m not sure. I did notice that in my area (lesser Boston) Stouffer’s FB Pizza was in all stores and even in mini-marts. Although most stores carried Red Baron products, only one store (Shaw’s) carried the French Bread option. The tasters for this were Ethan, myself and our friends Marc and Sarah. I am going by my notes from a couple of weeks ago and didn’t quote who said what but I remember we basically agreed on these. Let’s see what we thought!
We found the sauce to be disappointing and bland. The bread had a bit of gumminess even though it was cooked enough on the outside. Because of that, we did find the outer edges to be somewhat enjoyable because of the crunch. The cheese lacked flavor and the pepperoni was the most flavorful ingredient because of the spices. Other than that, we found this to be pretty bland.
Red Baron:
Someone said this was “visually fresher”. We found the sauce to be more flavorful and was described as “zesty”. It was also noted that the bread was thicker than Stouffer’s and seemed to be a little off on the bread-to-topping ratio. I think it was Ethan who said it “Keeps it character and integrity” which I’m not exactly sure what he meant but he can comment and explain if need be : )
Wrap up:
We went with the Baron on this one. Stouffer’s had a better bread-to-topping ratio but it wasn’t enough to make up for the lack of flavor. Maybe Red Baron wasn’t all that great either but compared to Stouffer’s it delivered more flavor and didn’t have a gummy-like dough texture, so that was enough to make it the winner.