I love getting egg rolls when I go out for Chinese* food. Especially at my all-time favorite restaurant that I’ve been going to since I was a little egg roll myself, Pago-Pago in Milford, MA.
My sister was a fan of the La Choy egg rolls when we were teenagers, realising we didn’t have to listen to my pseudo-kosher dad and we could eat whatever we wanted. Whenever we ate something like this he’d shake his head and say “all those years of Hebrew school down the drain”. Somehow the guilt never stuck with that one.
Michelina produces more Italian style frozen food but for some reason she decided to don a pointy straw hat and take a swing at making egg rolls.
La Choy by the way, makes one the best “Glad there’s only one of” products, which is Chow Mein in a can and I will get to that eventually.
(*I just want to say I am very well aware that American-Chinese food is not what you get when you go to China and I like it for what it is).
These egg rolls are rectangle shaped, with a well proportioned amount of dough even though they’re not filled as much as what is shown on the package. I thought these were a little peppery tasting and neither of us detected ant shrimp flavor. Ethan said the cabbage took over all flavors and in general tasted very “unfresh”.
This picture almost looks like it’s sticking it’s tounge out.
Ethan added googly eyes to make it more clear:
La Choy:
These are a little smaller and have a more round shape. Ethan said these are more eastern convincing than Michelina’s. Although we could definitely taste the shrimp more in these they were a little too “briney”. The dough I felt was a little too thick and could have had a little better dough-to-filling ratio.
Wrap up:
No thanks. Ethan isn’t an egg roll fan anyway so he didn’t care for either but if he HAD to choose he’d go with La Choy. I thought I would really like one of these more than the other but I didn’t. I guess I’d agree with Ethan and say that La Choy at least had some flavor but it just left me wanting a “real” egg roll.

Ewww, gross! These brands make eggs rolls?! (Shhh! I wanna try but don’t tell anybody I told you so)
Try Next brand from Walgreens that’s their store brand real mini egg rolls not the pizza roll style 10 for 2.99 they had them on sale I got them for 1.50. P.F Changs 3.79 for 8. The Next were alot like the filling in the lachoy. The PF Chang have large pieces of dark meat chicken they are really good. The wraps are nearly identical I give the edge to the Next wrapper and the PF Chang filling. They were both really good for frozen snacks but for the price and the extra 2 rolls I go with Next.
Where can I find la Choy mini egg rolls in the Chicago suburbs?
It’s posts like this that make surfing so much plareuse
Can you still buy these anywhere?
Sorry to say, La Choy Frozen Egg Rolls have been discontinued since about 2011. I checked La Choy’s website a few years ago when I couldn’t find them anywhere and discovered they were gone. The only decent thing La Choy made and they discontinued it! (They still make that damnable gag-awful canned Chow Mein though! I once read on a forum somebody tried that chow mein and it was so bad they couldn’t eat it. They gave it to their dog and the dog wouldn’t touch it either.)
I can’t find the Michelina Egg Egg Rolls anywhere either, although I did see on an Internet post a couple years ago that Target carried some brand of frozen mini egg rolls similar to Michelina.
I loved the LaChoy mini egg rolls as a snack and miss them terribly. Pizza rolls are no substitute and the giant frozen egg rolls just aren’t the same.
Where can I buy La Choy mini eggrolls at?
I just get my egg rolls from the restaurant