It was actually kind of hard to find an Eskimo Pie. I could find E Pie products at my local grocery store but they were pops or sticks of some sort. I found the “original bar” at my local video game store/arcade. I grew up eating Klondike Bars as a Saturday night treat and have enjoyed the many varieties they come in, but since Eskimo Pie only comes in vanilla, I went with the classic Klondike Bar as well.
Eskimo Pie:
The very first thing we noticed was the flavor of the chocolate. We were really impressed with the velvety texture and strong milk chocolate taste. The ice cream was very smooth and creamy and provided what I thought was a “soft bite”, which I guess I can’t really describe but would be like the opposite of stale, freezer burnt ice cream. Ethan said he could taste more chocolate than ice cream in every bite but that wasn’t a bad thing since the chocolate was so good.
Klondike Bar:
With Klondike, the first thing we both noticed was the coffee undertone of the chocolate, which was also a thinner coating. This was familiar to me from my past experiences, but compared to the Eskimo Pie it seemed to be out of place. The ice cream was not as creamy and almost seemed watery in comparison to E Pie’s rich and smooth ice cream.
Wrap up:
We were pleasantly surprised with Eskimo Pie. We figured we’d be loyal to Klondike but were really impressed with the quality of both the chocolate and ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the Oreo and York’s Peppermint Klondikes, and they have so many great flavors but if I had to choose between these two for “Original” flavor it would be Eskimo Pie all the way.

Hm, I’ll keep an eye out for Eskimo Pie from now on. ?
Also, don’t know if you know this, but you were mentioned on Serious Thought it was cool.
That’s nice to know, I didn’t see that. Thanks!
How could it be a bar? It looks more like an block than a bar.
Of course: I’d do anything for a Klondike bar. ? Mmm.
love Klondik
This is funny. I used to work at an ice cream plant and we made Klondike, Pathmark and Eskimo pies…. the only difference is the wrapper…. many days , after we made our quota of one, we would change the wrapper and start production of the other. We wouldn’t even shut down the machinery. Just switch the paper and the boxes that the finished product went into. I was the guy that kept the paper flowing smoothly. One perk was that I could take ice cream novelties home, (as we made many of your favorites) so my Son was the most popular kid on the block.