One of my favorite eats is macaroni and cheese. I love making Alton Brown’s recipe and sometimes I’m in the mood for some old school boxed kit with bright orange powder. It’s just one of those things that really hits the spot, so when I saw these single-serving microwave versions, I just had to try.
Chef Boyardee:
This had a cheesy aroma and although the noodles were almost mushy and over cooked, I liked this texture. It doesn’t look it, but the cheese sauce was kind of watery and bland. It smelled better than it tasted. There seemed to be an undertone of beefaroni- somehow, not even in a beefy way but it just did, Ethan and I both felt that way.
The sauce was more orange, thicker and smelled pretty gross. I wish I could describe this better but we both thought this tasted very “Hormel” which I can only describe as “industrial”. The noodles are more “al dente”. It also somehow had faint trace of meat flavor, which was gross. Maybe they made this in the same machine as one of their meat products or something, who knows.
Wrap up:
I actually went into this hoping I might be impressed with the concept of microwavable macaroni and cheese but it turns out that this is a terrible idea. The lesser of two evils here would be Chef Boyardee but it’s hard to actually recommend it.

eww…thats all I can say…
There are only 2 types of Mac and Cheese for me..
Kraft Blue Box, or Stouffers.
Kraft and Stouffers are definitely good, but I’d add Howard Johnson’s (frozen) macaroni and cheese to that list. Then again, I haven’t had it in a long time and now I’m afraid it’s not as good as I remember…
Michelle’s homeade is the best all around though:)
Mac and cheese by Kraft is the best!
Trader Joe’s frozen mac n’ cheese is good too.
Have you tried Easy Mac or the Hamburger Helper version? I like Easy Mac but I also like Kraft blue box. I’m afraid to try the Hamburger Helper.
Am I the only one that loves this kind of Mac ‘n’ Cheese?
Dan: Yes. =)
I think I’d have to stick with my dad’s homemade mac n’ cheese. Made with cracker barrel sharp cheddar (2 bars), bread crumbs and shell pasta. MMMM. My favorite! ^-^