Caramello used to be one of my favorite candy bars, I don’t remember when we parted ways but I’ve slowed down to probably one of these every 2 years. I’m usually not a fan of caramel but I enjoy the soft, non-teeth suctioning texture of Caramello. When I saw Galaxy Caramel, I just had to compare. I don’t know much about Galaxy, just from what googled, it’s “European” and owned by Dove Chocolate.
It’s not demonstrated well in this photo but the caramel is pretty gooey. Ethan says the characteristics of the caramel and chocolate compliment each other. I agree the softness of the caramel blends well with the creaminess of smooth and creamy milk chocolate Cadbury is so well known for.
The sections are kind of half-cylinder instead of square. The caramel is more dense and isn’t as gooey but it is still the “gentle” kind of caramel that leaves teeth alone. Ethan felt the two flavors still go well together but seemed more separate somehow. Also he thought the chocolate and caramel were not as smooth as Caramello.
Wrap up:
Ethan preferred Caramello but I almost couldn’t tell the difference other than the thickness of Galaxy’s caramel. I’d say if you’re craving a chocolate/caramel bar, these two are similar enough in quality that I think anyone would be happy with either. Of course I’m sure there are die-hard Cadbury or Galaxy fans that would find the other unacceptable but I really think these pretty interchangeable.

This is really interesting to me – I love caramellos and I wish Galaxy were near so I could taste test one of those…
Now you’ve got to give the MELO bar a try:
It’s a candy bar indorsed by the Denver Nugget’s Carmelo Anthony
Hey Randi, You may want to check out the British import section at Stop & Shop, that’s where I got this Galaxy bar.
So where would Rolos figure in on this? OR is it because it’s a single bite (or at most 2-bite) it isn’t the same?
Yum! I love caramello. Do you have Caramello Koala’s over there? I don’t think we have Galaxy here. I’ll keep my eye out for it though.
I must say that I completely dislike the taste of Cadbury chocolates. Galaxy is overall more appealing for it’s more distinctive chocolate taste whereas Cadbury’s chocolate is overly milky. Then again, I am more of a dark chocolate fan so the closer to that the better. ^-^
I can go through Carmellos faster. ? I think that’s the point and they are easier for me to chew. Nostalgic taste wins again for me.
I’ve never had either of these, but for chocolate + caramel combinations, I absolutely love Caramilk. Very sweet and smooth, from what I remember, but it’s been a while since I’ve had one.
have you ever tried the Cadbury Uk Caramel? Far nicer than the US Caramello but I am from the UK so I’m bound to think that. Would make an interesting comaparison with the Galaxy (owned by Mars rather than Dove which is another name for Galaxy.. it gets so confusing!!) and the US Caramello.
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