When I did my cheese curls post I mentioned how I wish we could have tested cheese balls but Planter’s discontinued their canister snacks products (that are not nuts). Those were Ethan’s childhood favorite he wanted to test those.
I don’t know when Planter’s cheese balls were discontinued but there is a petition to bring them back. There seems to be something magical about the Blockbuster Video stores in Portland, OR because that’s where a reader in Portland, OR says they are the only place that sells them. I searched the Blockbuster’s around here to no avail. Anyway, from the kindness of her heart she sent me 2 (two) cannisters of these rare treats and it made a very awesome early Christmas present for Ethan ? Not only is she a fantastic person, but she makes very cool jewelry and the least I can do to repay this kindness is ask you to check out her site: http://www.sunshowerdesignjewelry.com/
At last! Ethan was pretty excited to eat these yet cautious because sometimes things don’t taste as good as you remember them (as has been the case with a few items we’ve evaluated so far). As soon as Ethan popped on of these in his mouth he nodded his head and said it tasted just how he remembered. I don’t have a past connection with these but was impressed by the tangy cheese flavor and excellent “meltability”. There is also a pleasant buttery taste to these. Ethan’s said they just taste “right” and that was pretty much all that needed to be said considering he’s such loyal fan.
These are considerably larger than Planter’s and also somewhat “rougher”. They do not have good meltability but do have decent cheese flavor although it goes away fast, which I guess gives the corn flavor a chance to shine. Ethan though these tasted pretty good too but recalled a time in the past where he ate too many and felt kind of sick. Although I guess you might feel sick if you eat too much of anything.
Wrap up:
Ethan still prefers his blast from the past, Planters, but did acknowledge that Utz was a good runner up. They make a pretty good cheese ball, but I feel the meltability of Planters is what keeps it ahead. Either would be acceptable for a cheese ball craving but Planters still gets the A+.

Last month, I reviewed a Japanese cheese ring which tasted a lot like Planter’s cheez balls (http://japanesesnackreviews.blogspot.com/2008/11/cheese-rounds-marui-cheezu-snack.html). The buttery taste of the Japanese ones is what really brought the memory of the Planter’s cheese balls back.
So many people lament the loss of the Cheez balls. I don’t understand why Planters doesn’t bring them back
Hey, did you receive the cheetos yet? I was wondering if it had got there yet…being christmas and all.
Speaking of Cheetos, I think Cheetos makes a 100 calorie pack of cheeseballs. In case you were looking for other types.
I could eat a garbage bag full of Planters Cheez Balls. They’re definately a weakness of mine.
I remember Planter’s Cheez Balls fondly. They were our favorites.
Also, Planter’s Peanut Butter. Does anyone else remember that? It was awesome as well –
Hey did anyone remember planters chilli balls
Woooow they were awesome …..
I remembered planters chilli balls.
only place I got them was when I went down to Trinidad.
Chilli balls still exist, but is owned by another company called sunshine snacks.
the taste is not the same…
there r only 1 kind of cheese ball and that is planters i hope they start making them again
Please Please!!!! To the PLANTERS Company
I liked Utz better. It tasted so good to me as a kid.
I have been thinking about Planters Cheese Balls for the last two months. They are extremely good and I would even buy bulk if possible. Nothing like it exists anywhere. What reason did they have to stop making them?
oh no!!!
planters Cheese balls we need them back
I remember Planter’s Cheez Balls fondly. They were our favorites.
I had Planter’s occasionally, but just thought they were OK. I prefered cheetos for my cheesy snack as a kid.
Horray! 11 years after this article was written, Planters cheese balls have now returned! I’m not sure for how long, but they are widely available for the time being. Life is wonderful.