As I’ve posted before, I love Sky Bars. I recently saw this new Twilight version and was baffled why they did this. Sky Bar is made my NECCO (New England Confectionery Company) and I found that a lot of people outside (and actually a good amount inside) of New England are not familiar with these so how did an international phenomenon team up with such a regional candy?
Also just as confusing is why they cut down the awesomeness of SkyBar from four to three sections. Yeah, there’s three main characters in the movie they’re promoting, but that’s not what SkyBar is all about! Twilight should have picked another candy that could accommodate them and keep it’s format.
My previous post about SkyBar’s images fell victim to geocities but you can read about it here. There are 4 compartments: Fudge, peanut, vanilla and caramel. Fudge is like…fudge, peanut is more like a peanut goo, vanilla is marshmallow and caramel is what it sounds like. I’ll save some time and report that Sky Bar keeps it’s reliability – unless of course it’s old which is the risk you run when buying these because they’re not the most popular candy at the store but when they’re fresh, they’re awesome.
Twilight version :
The skyBar-gone-Hollywood, only features the vanilla, caramel and peanut. The peanut is a peanut butter filling instead of the goo which is okay, the vanilla seemed pretty much the same as well as the caramel.
In general, the big disappointment was the missing fudge, which is my favorite part of the SkyBar.
Wrap up:
I can’t get over the amputation of the fourth flavor, it’s just so wrong and I’m also sick of seeing these kids from the movie all over the place who are too cool to crack a smile. The wolf guy seems like you might be able to have a half-normal conversation with him, but the other two just look like they have nothing going through their heads – all the time. I know that doesn’t effect the taste of candy but it doesn’t help. I’ll take a traditional SkyBar any day.

Wow. I have NEVER seen Sky Bar, original or Twilight, before and the original seems better. I’d think the fudge would be my favorite too. ?
Well, I can certainly do without the Twilight version, just like I can do without the Twilight version of Conversation Hearts that I found in a supermarket a few months ago.
I’m getting pretty disappointed in NECCO lately. I understand that companies are always trying to expand sales and open new markets, but the holding company that now owns NECCO seems to be flailing about in ways that aren’t necessarily good for company tradition.
If selling out for this popular movie series means that NECCO can make some extra cash to keep their awesome offerings like Sky Bar, Clark Bar, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and Necco Wafers (chocolate only, please) going, I’m all for it. And maybe some of the Twilight fans will be turned on to some decent candy!
NECCO has done some great things lately, getting rid of the fake ingredients in their products and replacing them with real flavorings and all-natural ingredients, and should be commended. They might taste somewhat different, but it’s nice to know that some businesses care.
Haha. Twilight sucks. But yeah, the original seems a thousand times better—especially without the Twilight garbage being added and removing a flavor to accommodate incredibly tasteless characters.
They’ve also sold miniature Twilight bars with just the vanilla cream, and they were the most delicious things in the world–the only Skybar-related product I’ve ever eaten (though I’d eat more if I ever could find them). The Twilight version of this bar sounds a little watered down in format, but it’s only a momentary promotional item, and at least it’s being released nation-wide. (A friend sent me the chocolate, and she is absolutely not from New England.) I am all for its existence.
OK, I lied. Earlier this week I was at some place that sells soda in glass bottles and I saw Sky Bar. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. You should post about Killebrew Root Beer. (“With a Hall of Fame Taste!”)
SKY BAR! Sorry, impossible to find in MN, but delicious!!!
I agree, weird how this even happened. Out here in Portland (OR) no one ever knows what I’m talking about (nor can I ever find one) when I mention a SkyBar. Just bizarre that this movie would even want to team up with NECCO and so unnecessary. I’ll take a regular Skybar as well – don’t need it “Twighlightized”.
Skybars. Gotta love em.