Rice Krispie Treats vs Marshmallow Squares Crispy Rice

Of course most of us are familiar with Rice Krispie Treats, just like mom used to make (not my mom of course, that would be too normal) packaged as individually wrapped (90 calorie) bars.
It seems kind of convenient that the competitor product, awkwardly named Marshmallow Squares Crispy Rice, is made a company called “Maxi Crisp”. I wonder if they are a company that specializes in crispy products or they chose that name because they knew this was the only product they would make.
I like that instead of Snap, Crackle and Pop they have some kid about to get wailed in the head by a soccer ball. Maxi Crisp’s package is similar with the same size box and blue and white color theme, but how similar in taste are they?

Rice Krispie Treats:
I was surprised how soft these were and yet still held the crispy rice form providing a nice combination of softness and crunch in each bite. These are very sweet and have a strong vanilla flavor. Overall these were delicious and just as good as making them at home.

Marshmallow Squares Crispy Rice:
I noticed the rice in these were packed a little tighter, providing a denser bar. They were noticeably less sweet than the Kellogg version but still delivered the same general taste but milder. Ethan felt there wasn’t enough marshmallow involved but I didn’t mind.

Wrap up:
Kellogg’s wins but just by a little bit. There was something about the intense flavor and gentle texture of the Rice Krispie Treats that earned being called a “treat” instead of a mere “square”. I will say though that Maxi Crisp makes a decent bar and will not disappoint if that’s all that’s available.

Rice Krispie Treats or Marshmallow Squares Crispy Rice?

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Iron Stomach Challenge: SPAM vs TREET

I really had to mentally prep before doing this, which meant voiding any thought of the processing plants for either of these products. I know SPAM has it’s fans and I can appreciate that, but to me it’s always been this nightmareish conglomerate of meats that isn’t really meant for eating so I had never even tried it. Today I saw the Armour product TREET and so it became the day to try SPAM and TREET.
Ethan was less than enthusiastic when I brought these beauties home but being the ever-faithful taste tester, he joined me in this canned meat adventure.

Pretty sick, a rubbery mold of smushed meat that is able to stand upright on it’s own. Another blow to the senses was the canned cat food aroma. In fact, Clyde (our cat) magically appeared in the kitchen thinking he was getting fed.
Time to taste: I first noticed how salty this was, very salty although Ethan didn’t think it was that salty. It has a very “porky” flavor. Ethan was most turned off by the texture and said it was too mushy and that his tongue didn’t want to touch this. We gave Clyde some, he ate a teeny bit and then walked away.

Same unappetizing effort just to get out of the can. This was a little darker and more uniform in color but had some disturbing fat globules dispersed throughout the “loaf”.
The taste was less offensive to me because it was more recognizable and similar to cold cut bologna. Ethan described this as “beefy” (which I agreed with) but again, was mostly turned off by the texture which he said was “spongy”.

Wrap up:
No and no. We both can’t imagine trying either of these ever again. Like I said, I know some people swear by SPAM and maybe it’s a whole different ballgame in a sandwich or in macaroni and cheese (as suggested on the back of the can) but meat in this format is not for everyone.


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Oatmeal Creme Pies vs Oatmeal Cremes

This isn’t the first time Lil’ D and Mrs. F have had a showdown on this blog but it’s hard to count one or the other out since I’ve only evaluated these against each other twice and bot have been a winner and a loser.
I think back about how disgusting it was to have the Little Deb version of these in the kitchen closet at all times when I was growing up. They were “Hebrew school friendly” and a common snack to bring to three hours of passing notes and flinging whatever we had in our Trapper Keepers around the room.

Little Debbie:
Opening these individually wrapped cookies releases a Twinkie-like aroma, which is artificial but sweet and characteristic of a mass-produced “bakery” treat.
The cookie is nice and moist and slightly reminiscent of an actual oatmeal cookie. Ethan and I each had a cookie/pie and he asked “what are these supposed to filled with? Marshmallow?” I always thought it was supposed to be something resembling whipped creme but more stable. I guess it’s really more of a frosting than a creme or a marshmallow but somehow doesn’t add too much to the cookies but they okay. Ethan described these as “inoffensive”.

Mrs. Freshly’s:
Mrs. F’s cookies were a little bit dryer, although in comparison to Lil’ D’s ultral moist and slightly oily cookies, this wasn’t a surprise. Also the texture and taste were more “oatmealy” and there was more creme that had a bit more vanilla flavor to it. Ethan said these tasted “more honest” and I agreed that these provided at least more of an illusion of eating an actual oatmeal cookie.

Wrap up:
Mrs. Freshly wins this round bringing the score on this blog to her winning two out of three Little Debbie/Mrs. Freshly battles. I really thought after the Buddy Bar disappointment Mrs. F would forever be the second-rate snack, but after the donut stick challenge, she proved her self as a worthy opponent and slowly gaining credibility in the snack competitions.

Oatmeal Pies: Little Debbie or Mrs. Freshly's

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Snackwells vs Great Taste

I’ve never tried either of these but I thought SnackWell’s was the first of this kind of cookie and the clear second-rater was the challenger which I can’t even tell what the brand name is “Oven Baked” or “Great Taste” but they do boast on their box that they’re “The Original”. Both are Devil food cake coated with marshmallow and chocolate.

Biting into these we discovered that they’re not just soft but chewy. the chocolate coating kind of cracks but is held together by the rather gluey marshmallow, which doesn’t look like much but the amount of marshmallow is perfectly balanced with the chocolate coating and fluffy cookie. We notice these have a chemical/artificial taste to them but do have the chocolate and marshmallow flavor that you expect, it’s just a little weird.

Great Taste(?):
These were amazingly identical, the only difference was that they seemed a teeeeny bit dryer in the cake park but other than that they had the same chewiness and chemical taste.

Wrap up:
SnackWell’s by an inch, just because Great Taste or whatever it’s called is a little dryer. Honestly though I think if you don’t mind the chemical taste anyway of SnackWell’s you will enjoy the same flavor with Great Taste and probably not even notice the minuscule difference in cake dryness if you’re not comparing one right after the other.

SnackWell's or Great Taste

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Bumble Bee vs Brunswick

Sooo sorry for the lack of posting. I won’t get into the details but things have been crazy but I fully intend on keeping up with the snacks.  My stupid non-snacking life takes over sometimes.
Anyway, I’m not usually a fan of pre-made canned salads, I’ve seen  other offerings like chicken and ham salad in a can too, maybe even egg, but I hope not.
I have my suspisions that  one of these two owns the other but could be wrong, it just seems to be the trend that eventually one company will make everything. I just thought it was mildly interesting that the color and gradient on the packaging are exactly the same.

Bumble Bee:
I could get right to the point and just say gross, no more please but I’ll use a few more adjectives.  Ethan described this as “soupy” not in the consistency so much (although it applies somewhat) but the taste was like canned soup.  You know that “dead” taste of things that used to be fresh and are transformed into a bland, tasteless, shelf-stable version of it’s former self, like canned spinach, asparagus, etc..
I thought I detected some tomato flavor and assumed from the texture and taste those reddish-orange bits were tomoato but they were infact carrot.
Pretty gross all around, didn’t taste like tuna so much as mayo and transformed carrot and celery.

Different but the same.  Very slightly better in the way that this tasted more like “normal” tuna salad.  Same deal with the texture but we found this less offensive enough to not make a face when we ate it. This also had considerably less carrots and no tomato-like taste.

Wrap up:
Brunswick wins for being less disgusting, although not by much.  Needless to say I’m not feeling very good right now and drinking a Tab to hopefully burn away any funkiness going on in my stomach (that’s what I’m telling myself).

Bubmble Bee or Brunswick?

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A&W vs Dad’s

I found Dad’s root beer at my local dollar store (which I’ve grown to love to find so many second-rate products), I don’t know anything about it but I’m always up for trying a new root beer hoping it will be a new favorite, which I think I did find but I have to do more research on how to get a bottle since I just had it from a tap in a little store in the middle of NH.

Anyhoo, the available opponent this time was A&W so we sat these two down and let them battle it out.

I thought I’d try a different angle with the drink photos (I’ll go back to the old way), but the A&W looked pretty lighta nd the foam didn’t last more than a few seconds after it was poured.  We liked the taste of this, it was very “peppy” to me and Ethan said it had a good, dependable root beer flavor and the sweetness was just right.  For me I’d like it to be a little creamier like this mystery tap rootbeer I had in NH but the flavor of A&W is really satisfying.

I was impressed with Dad’s because the foam didn’t completely dissolve even after sitting for an extended amount of time and had a nice deep brown color.   We felt this had an interesting aroma, which Ethan described as “herby”.  As far as flavor it was flatter than A&W and tasted artificial, which goes to show foam isn’t everything.

Wrap up:
Even though it doesn’t look as impressive, the deep flavor and “zazzyness” of A&W really makes it a more satifying root beer than Dad’s.   It’s not a terrible soda but we wouldn’t go out of our way to buy Dad’s again.

A&W or Dad's?

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Cheese and Crackers: Keebler vs Lance

Although this cheese and cracker snack combo is offered by a few different brands, these two were on sale, so that’s what I got. 
I’ve always considered this type of offering to be a second-rate snack in general.  For some reason it sticks out in my mind when I was in college and working at Crabtree and Evelyn in the mall and my manager was working a billion hours because the store just opened.  We always had candy or chips in the back room that we’d snack on but one day in the middle of her open-to-close shift she sat in the back room and pulled out one of these sandwich cracker packs and said “finally some real food!”.  I remember being confused and asking her why she didn’t just go to the food court (though not much better, a little closer to “real” food) but she declined and was content with the crackers because they had cheese in them.  I just remember wondering when she was going to get sick considering the amount of hours she worked and that she counted these as a substantial meal.  She looked pretty bad by the time I quit.
Anyway, my mom just happened to be in the neighborhood after I got home from the store and FINALLY got a cell phone so she called to see if I was around and just in time to help evaluate these!

Mom and I both noticed how butter these crackers were, which we liked.  The salt was just enough too and I felt it really complimented the butteriness of the cracker.  Mom felt that the cheese had a chemical taste to it while Ethan and I had trouble tasting the cheese at all.  It was just there for texture as far as I experienced.

Mom felt the cheese was the same in this with it’s chemical taste.  I could taste the cheese a little more, not so much the sharpness of cheddar but it did add a creaminess that Keebler lacked.  Ethan said he still didn’t really taste any cheese.  The cracker was less buttery and salty but more dense, which mom liked.

Wrap up:
Mom liked the Lance crackers better because of their density and felt like a more substantial snack and Ethan and I went with the Keebler.  I liked the intense butter flavor of the crackers and Ethan didn’t specify in his notes (he conveniently came downstairs right after my mom left and tested these with his own).

Keebler or Lance?

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Modern-day vs Throwback

I was excited to hear a couple of months ago that Pepsi and Mountain Dew were coming out this summer with “Throwback” versions which contain cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup.

Not that I even like Mountain Dew but of course I just had to try both versions and see if there were any noticeable differences.

There’s not much to say, especially since we just reviewed Pepsi in the Shasta post so I’ll just say it tastes like Pepsi and for more description see two posts below ?

Pepsi Throwback:
Surprisingly, there was not too much of a difference. Ethan and I could tell there was no “syrupyness” to it and we did like that there was a little bit of what I’d describe as a “snap” to it. It seemed to taste cleaner in a way and I think throwback was a great idea, but in the end we both felt that the difference in taste probably wasn’t enough for them to continue production of this after the summer.

Mountain Dew:
As I mentioned I’m not a big “dew” fan. I won’t get too much into the review since we’ve already done it but feel free to check out the Mello Yello vs Mountain Dew post. Ethan being the former Mountain Dew drinker said he did like how citrusy this is and although it does taste very artificial, he said it was in a “good way”. This is just too much for me to take more than a couple of sips of. Too sweet and I don’t like drinking things that look like anti-freeze.

Mountain Dew Throwback:
Before I even tasted this I liked it better because it was so nice to see the old logo again and for me the evaluation could have stopped there since um… I don’t like Dew (have I mentioned that?)
I left this to the expert and Ethan said he was surprisingly disappointed because it tasted watery. He went on to describe it like bad iced tea, like it was just water sugar and bad fake lemon (I guess opposed to the good fake lemon in modern Dew)

Wrap up:
I’d like to say that we were wowed by the throwback versions of both of these but we weren’t. While I did like the “crispness” of Pepsi throwback, it wasn’t the awesome experience I was expecting. Ethan was surprised that he preferred the modern Mountain Dew (or “Mtn Dew” as they now call it) over the throwback version for it’s more citrusy flavor and substantial consistency. If I had to buy one, it would be Dew throwback, I’d dump it out and just walk around with the bottle with the cool label.

Modern or Throwback?

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Alouette vs Rondele

 Ethan and I went to at our friends’ (Mark and Sara) house and in addition to my retro Marushka cake, we brought over a tub of Alouette and Rondele (I know they both don’t use capitalization but I can’t help it) both in the “garlic and herbs” variety.  It’s kind of funny that Sara also had “Pub Cheese” in this flavor too but we realised it’s made by Rondele so we just kept the evaluation down to these two.

This cheese spread was very fluffy and as titled, very herby and garlicy.
We liked the light, airiness of the cheese and we all agreed it was very creamy.  Ethan described it as having some “zazz”.  I forget why now but I would think it’s because of the amount of garlic.  The cheese on it’s own seemed very mild and just a springboard for the herbs and seasoning.

Rondele was even softer and creamier.  Mark commented that it was almost “buttery” and Sara felt it had a little sharpness to it like a cheddar.  It was interesting that this was both mild and sharp at the same time.  I liked that it wasn’t as garlicy and we all agreed it was “herbier” than the Alouette.

Wrap up:
While we all thought these were both good but Mark ended up voting for Alouette while the rest of us went with Rondele for the mild-yet-sharp, flavor and it’s fluffy consistency.  Alouette was very good but ultimately, we felt it had a pinch too much garlic that overpowered the spread.

Alouette or Rondele?

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Cola Challenge: Coke, Pepsi & Shasta

I was walking out of the dollar store with my little purchase and heard the cashier say to the next customer behind me, “Shatsa, huh?”.  I stopped in my tracks and pivoted to turn back towards the drink section.
I thought Shasta was long gone but it may be a regional think like Mellow Yellow.
I bought my 4-pack of Shasta and stopped at a mini-mart on the way home for a Coke and a Pepsi for evaluation.

As I probably have mentioned before, Ethan is a huge Coke fan and I’m a Pepsi girl, somehow we are happily married, but I knew we would both probably be biased so no big surprise that Ethan enjoyed the Coke and stated it’s a “good, solid cola”.  Although he finds that Coke in a can has some sort of faint aftertaste that is not present in bottled Coke.  I think Coke is good, I’m not one of those people that act like their world is turned upside down when a server asks them “is Coke okay?”.  It’s a decent cola product.
Without thinking about the name I actually thought “this has extra ‘pep’ to it”.  Ethan thinks Pepsi is a “semi-tone higher pitch” than Coke.  Seems slightly sweeter too.  There is just something about Pepsi this is subtly more interesting. I don’t know what it is but I just like it.

Shasta was surprisingly watery compared to the previous two.  The cola flavor was much less intense and was a little soapy or something.  We kept trying to find adjectives for this but it was just so void of flavor and substance that we just kept looking at each other and srugging our shoulders.

Wrap up:
Coke and Pepsi definitely are more substantial colas.  After that I think it just depends on your blood type or something which one appeals to you more.  Shasta unfortunately was not the treasure I was hoping it would be and because of it’s flavor deficiency, we agreed it was the second rate version of the two better known colas.

Coke, Pepsi or Shasta?

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